Thank You | Amanda Perry

On behalf of the organisation, we thank Amanda Perry for her time and commitment volunteered as the WGSDCA Vice President for the last two years. She provided invaluable feedback and thoughtful guidance towards the implementation of our Member Protection Policy as part of her professional experience with several government agencies. Due to a change in her professional career, Amanda decided to step down from the WGSDCA Vice President position. We wish you all the best with your new endevours and from a WGSDCA perspective we hope to see you you more frequently on the training and trialing fields.
Thank you so much for your time and dedication to the organisation.
Welcome | Samantha Hendricks

We want to congratulate and welcome Sam as our new Vice President of the WGSDCA. Sam grew up in a home of German Shepherds and has maintained a lifelong involvement and passion for the breed as part of the Haveloc German Shepherd Kennels. She began her IGP career in the late 1990s and has competed with 8 dogs to date as well as handling a number of dogs for endurance tests, ZAP-W (puppy temperament assessment), breed survey and conformation shows. She is a well-known profile across several organisations and actively involved in several other kind of dog sport activitivies. The Board of Management looks forward to work with Sam to further our vision of promoting the German Shepherd as a versatile all-rounder breed.