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Hip & Elbow Assessments
via Germany
(You must use a computer to access the forms on this page)
Get X-rays scores recognised by WUSV
Dysplasia Zentrum Gießen (DZG)
DZG is an academic institute dedicated to diagnostic imaging of skeletal dysplasia in small animals, including canines. The institute is commissioned to provide hip and elbow scoring services to many canine umbrella organisations, including the World Union for GSD (WUSV).
The DZG HD-ED Expert Panel are all accredited members of GRSK e.V which is the German equivalent to the Radiology Chapter of the Australian and New Zealand Collage of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS).
Who is scoring
Why a DZG HD/ED Portal?
Because we want to support GSD owners who wish to align with the WUSV Breed Mandate.
We have commissioned DZG's services pertaining to HD-ED scoring as part of the WUSV stipulating that any dogs participating in their events or to be registered in their studbook must have HD-ED scores from a recognised service provider of HD/ED scoring from 01.01.25. DZG is such recognised service provider.
You can submit x-rays to DZG via our Portal. You must subscribe to WGDCA membership and your dog must be at least 12 months of age.
If you intend to use the HD/ED results as part of the WUSV Breed Program, then you must use an Australian vet accredited by the DZG as additional images are required. If this is not imperative to you, then you may choose to use a vet of your choice.
Which Vet?
You may choose to use any licensed veterinarian who you trust has the expertise to provide high quality x-ray images or you may choose to use one of the Australian Foreign Veterinary Radiologists (FVR). If you choose the former, then make sure they can provide you with an electronic copy of the x-rays (DICOM format).
The Foreign Veterinary Radiologist Program was developed by the DZG as part of them being commissioned by canine organisations with international members, e.g. WUSV or FCI. The Program harmonises the way x-rays must be taken and as such ensures scores are comparable and recognised world-wide. A Foreign Veterinary Radiologist have passed a practical as well as theoretical exam. We currently have three in Australia. They will take two different projections of the elbows and hips (common practice is just one of each) to give the best information about the shape and structure of the hip and elbow joints. More here
Foreign Veterinary Radiologists
your veterinarian to join the DZG Foreign Veterinarian Radiologist Program
Which vet?
What is a FVR?
Find a FVR
The WUSV recommends two different projections of hips and elbows
Most countries with a mainstream HD-ED screening program (e.g. Australia) only request one type of flexed ML view. The WUSV recommends two different projections of the respective hip and elbow joints to safeguard against misinterpretations of changes at the medial coronoid process.
The vast majority of various national/international elbow dysplasia screening programs are based on the protocol of the International Elbow Working Group (IEWG, here).
Dr. Tellhelm is on the IEWG Board. The protocol includes a mandatory mediolateral (ML) flexed projection of each elbow joint. IEWG recommends an additional ML flexed projection (about 40° and 100°) and a cranio-caudal oblique (15°) view.
HD/ED Scheme comparisons
Step-by-Step (GSD owners)
Purchase HD-ED Fom(s)
Return HD-ED Form(s)
You must subscribe to a WGSDCA membership.
Your dog ≥12 months of age and identifiable via the microchip number indicated on its Pedigree Certificate.
The elected veterinarian must have a veterinary practitioners board license. More here.
Radiological examination of hips and elbows (HD-ED): AUD75.00.
Radiological Lumbar-Sacral OC(D) (@ L7:os) & Transitional Vertebra Examination (LSTV) : AUD60.00
You will receive electronic copies of the DZG Scoring Sheets. The onus is on you to ensure that the animal comply with the specified requirements and the correctness of these on the sheets. Fees are non-refundable.
Print the forms and take them to the elected veterinarian at the day of x-ray'ing.
Info for Vets
Participate in a Screening Program aimed at harmonising hip and elbow assessments of German Shepherds
The German HD-ED Expert Panel at DZG (more info HERE) is already providing HD/ED assessment to a wide range of canine organisations including the World Union of German Shepherds (WUSV, webpage HERE) and several country members of the Federation Cynologique Internale [FCI, webpage HERE] who is the dominating pure breed pedigree provider across the world.
Download DZG's Vet Participation Invite Letter
The Australian veterinary clinic must be able to generate x-rays in DICOM format. No other format will be accepted by the DZG. The veterinarian must have a Veterinary Board Registration number.
Participation Criteria
Help us helping Australian GSD breeders who wish to support the WUSV's aim to harmonise the breeding of GSD worldwide
Registration & Certification
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Initial Assessment of image quality
Register the clinic by submitting the Form below.
You will receive receive account setup details from DZG which lets you submit x-ray images directly to them.
You need to submit x-rays from 3 German Shepherds. You may use x-rays that the clinic has on file already.
A refund of AUD250 will be forthcoming in the event of DZG deeming insufficient image quality.
Vet Registration
Vet Accreditation
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