Get that via the the HD-ED Portal with the German Dysplasia Zentrum Gießen (DZG) institute who provides hip and elbow scoring services to many umbrella organisations, including WUSV and SV.
We have 3 vets in Australia who can help more. We clearly need more.
Australian Foreign Veterinary Radiologist
DZG invites Australian veterinarians to become accredited Foreign Veterinary Radiologists (FVRs).
Click here for more information. A FVR has successfully passed the prestigious x-ray image quality module developed by DZG and recognised by WUSV. If you use a FVR, s/he will take two different projections of the elbows to get the best information about the shape and structure of the elbows (more here). Most countries only request on type of flexed ML view.
WUSV recommends two elbow projections to safeguard against misinterpretations of changes of the medial coronoid process.
Want to know more?
click here
Pioneering Australian Veterinary Clinics - Australian Veterinary Radiologists:
