The 2019 Summer Edition is now available
As we say goodbye to 2019 and The Decade of the 2010s, we hope you will enjoy our latest edition capturing all the latest in our dogsport fraternity.
It is with much excitement that we continue to see the 'Us vs Them" of the Australian GSD fraternity being willing to step closer to that center-line. Read about Clint Wehmeier's experience at the ZAP seminar hosted by GSDCQ and his first experience at a breed show. Conversely, we thank Julie Urie (GSDCA Obedience Chair person) for her summary on the GSDCQ ZAP seminar.
Within the IGP dogsport fraternity we are also starting to see the seedlings following the WGSDCA Constitutional changes in June 2019, which is further detailed in the 2019 President Report. The changes have stimulated more trials, more members and we are seeing new collaborative initiatives between the three established IGP fraternities in Australia - all aimed to further promote the sport in Australia. We thank Candace Spicer & Henna Kuusisto for making a bit of history as well, as they were the first ones who grabbed the opportunities of cross-trialing.
We follow the journey of the 2019 Team Australia at the WUSV World Championship in Modena, Italy a couple of months ago. See the memories and moments captured so nicely by our own Australian WUSV Press Photographer, Mike Harper.
We wish you all a safe Christmas and festive summer season.