At the 2020 WGSDCA Annual Meeting, Tom Stewart passed on the Treasurer baton to Paul Andryc.
On behalf of the WGSDCA members, the BOM would like to thank Tom for stepping into the

Treasurer seat early 2018. Tom was integral to the 'modernisation' of the WGSDCA payment structure, particularly moving from hardcopy payment forms to electronic processes.
On both a professional and personal level, I have enjoyed the time spent together with you in our respective roles as BOM members.
And as we bid one farewell, we welcome Paul Andryc as the new WGSDCA Treasurer.

Paul has been a professional dog trainer for over10 years and involved in IGP Dogsport for many years. Paul is a licensed WGSDCA Trial Helper and currently the president of one of our longest-standing WGSDCA Clubs, Brisbane Sporting Dog Club, where he has assisted with the development and titling of many IGP sporting dogs. Paul is not only an apt helper, but also a proficient dog handler himself. He has titled many IGP dogs over the years and his current sporting dog is Ragnar who just recently stepped onto the IGP scene as part of gaining his BH-VT in November.
Please join me in thanking Tom for his contributions towards the operational part of the WGSDCA and likewise welcoming Paul Andryc to take on one of the more demanding (yet volunteered) roles in the WGSDCA Office. On behalf of the BOM, we look forward to having you as a part of the administrative team. The current structure of the WGSDCA BOM, now means that all our oldest IGP clubs now have a BOM representative.